Friday, March 25, 2011

Egypt---how to pass on from the cross roads--my humble point of view

This afternoon while I am in that status; as of course that I am unemployed thank god, I had this idea, Cairo Stadium…don’t laugh…just hear me to the very end of it and then judge
I saw people, millions just sitting and camping in Cairo Stadium where no one can tell them you are hindering the progress or against the re-building of our country. If we can just STAND there like we did in Tahrir for ONE FRIDAY and from there have a podium and we already have a screen and take it from there, here is what I thought of:
Location: Cairo Stadium-Suggestion
Required Number of attendees: the more the better but not less than 1 Million
Objective: Continue the unfinished and reach the rest of the resting people and to talk in simple words to reach everyone at home with no big words
What is it: Press conference where we already have the giant monitor and the tools to go “live” on National TV and say what we cant say in the streets due to the power of “thugs” on all levels
Urgent Presence: All of those who were there in 25th of Jan and among them all the parties aside from MB
What do we want now with a time frame….
  1. Public Trials for: Mubarak and his family (Max by June 2011), El Adly and his crew (Max by 15th  of May 2011), Fathy Soroor, Safwat El Sherif and Zakareya Azmy and Ministers who were pressed charges against them (Max  by end of April 2011), Business Men in trials (Max by Mid April 2011). And all that applies
  2. Denial, termination and Rejection of the Democratic Parties membership and the deprive of all its listed and announced members to take part in the political system for at least 5 years
  3. Ministry of Defense in Alliance with Ministry of Interior: Formulation and announcement of Anti Thugs campaign (Max by 10th of April) in an organized way which entails forming groups along the map with a plan to kill this in a period of max 40 days from the announcement of commencing their activities. حملة لمواجهة البطجة
  4. The protection of summits and functions that will be held by parties to address the public
  5. The Army as in charge to:
    1. Enforce a law to allow each party for max participation in the parliament of 10% and independent members to be limited to 5% (or something along these lines)
    2. Enforce a law of immediate penalty against any Media channel that directly influences the public opinion using religious implications or participating in spreading rumors or insulting a public figure
    3. Immediate transfer of the MF from the accounts of those who were accused guilty from the above mentioned to the National Treasury of Egypt and the Central Bank
    4. Enforce and take immediate actions against anyone who breaks the law on all levels from stealing lands or murders and so on and so forth
    5. Enforce an immediate law for those who refuse to go on with their jobs from governmental authorities or MOI to be penalized at once

This is my opinion and what I have came up with after we reached that stage, we don’t want to sit and fight against one another, we would rather continue what we have already started
I am not ofcourse a person of law or politics so the way of putting it was so simple yet we can re-frame it , especially the time frame that needs a legal point of view
I don’t belong to any party and I am not an activist or a political expert but this is my point of view that may be of value to pass this cross road era

1 comment:

  1. OK, I understand but can you, they, all of Egypt make it happen?
    I will watch and see

