Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Passion or, Obsession?

Passion or, Obsession?
Are you driving or being driven?............ A Perspective

Passion is a Basic Personality trait.
You are either born with it, or without.
There is no educating, training, imprinting, or forcing you to it.
It is a Capacity which you may express with full awareness.
It may seem to take hold of you and commit you more than desired.
Most people do not have this trait of capability.
The few with it often waste it, fear it, are rejected from it.
Others, transform their world and surroundings, dramatically.
They may be honored or revered, in life, or afterwards.
Less than 10% of people have Passion as a Personality trait.

A person with passion can devote themselves with a strong and clear focus to some activity, goal, and person. Working on the passion of their Now, they live in Joy. Their passion provides them with motivation, appreciation, and reward. It stimulates their self-directedness and frustrates their relationships. Nothing else can match the attraction of their passion, until, they are finished with it, then, they are gone, back to a former commitment, or on to another opportunity or admiration. You can never persuade someone into a passionate involvement, nor, rationalize or penalize them out of it.

Obsession is an acquired pattern of attitude and behavior.
You may inherit it with energy blocks, or, build it personally.
It is a capacity running into overdrive, often in denial.
It does take hold of you. Decisions seem to be made for you.
Many people acquire some form of addiction or compulsion.
Its domination of them, wastes their time and efforts.
You may alter your surroundings, though few applaud you.
You are predictable, and ordinary, in your routines.
Denial is the lot of many persons.
So easy to distraction. So safe to avoid risk
You do what you know is expected of you, every day.
The predictable, secure lifestyle deadens stress, and life.
You always have friends if you always do for acceptance.
Peace, orderliness, war, poverty, wealth: gifts of denial.
Problems everywhere become the truism of non-involvement.

"Everything is good" becomes the message of the abdicated.

A person with passion may find it socially and personally safe and accepting to control and subvert their passion, until, their major responsibilities are met. Many of us know of famed persons who attended to providing for their families and sustaining themselves, until retirement. Then, they exercised their passion in more socially empowering ways. Perhaps they defined scientific principles that we use as standards hundreds of years later. Or a medical discovery. Or, a technical discovery that provides light or power to us.

Often a person with passion may find themselves so attracted to an irritation or frustration, confusion or possibility, that they set all aside for a period of weeks or months. Thomas Edison is reported to have secluded himself in his laboratory for as long as 11 months while he researched, uninterrupted, for a practical and workable light bulb design. After possibly more than 10,000 attempts, he succeeded. His wife and children seldom saw him during that time. For his work to be efficient, it had to be without distraction and interruption. He had to have time for reflection, imagination, failures, reverence.

"A foundation for health" will be an interactive, health enhancing, intellectually and politically stimulating, socially networked digital information resource. During 1997, I suddenly began the Project Earth section, under the motivation of Spiritual Guidance. I abandoned most work, social contact, and income for a period of 3 months. During that period, I formatted and added historical information into a chronological record, from sources I found and defined and qualified, by Spiritual Guidance. At the end of the 3 months, as Guided, I stopped, without hesitation or regret.

As time progressed, and as I became exposed, often personally, to more forms of devastating illness, I was Guided to add more topic pages to a Balancing or a Hypersensitivities website. Later, both sites would be amalgamated into one,, in 2000. From time to time, additional pages were added to one focus area or the other. On several occasions, in response to dramatic changes in the coding of HTML, or, the market failure of good technology, or the introduction of new technology ... which became either or both, dependable, and, accepted in the market ... I was Guided to reformat either all of the WebPages, or, the Project Earth files. I was directed that the Package of these files would be sold to the public for a minimal sum relative to the value, at some point. This target date continued to be modified and extended by changes in areas that were independent of me.

Some creative efforts are so different from the norm and the current level of knowledge that only a severely focused, joyful, curious, confident, and aggressive person is capable of the persistence, effort, and devotion necessary to bring success. Such persons often provide little care for their personal health, diet, relationships, and social involvement during such a period of intense participation. Yet, for the passionate person there is some motivation beyond themselves which lights their fire. It might be what they refer to as their God, their love for a person, their attraction to a mystery. That motivating factor both provides a start to, a boundary around, and a definition of what their success will be. When that has been achieved, their further involvement may be dropped immediately, or, decreased to a level which permits balance between the other aspects of their life.

Obsessive persons often share their involvement with a group of other individuals who may or may not be personally known to them. They often cannot remember when their obsession begun nor what the nature of their motivation is regarding it. They have no sense of when, and in what manner, there will be an indication that whatever is motivating them will be satisfied. Rather than being a temporary disruption in their lives which leads to a significant boost to their self-esteem and self-actualization, obsession often lowers their self-esteem, their self-actualization, and, severely conflicts, over a longer-term, with the balance of one or many areas of their life. By such a difference, the obsessed person is controlled by something that seems beyond their restriction or benefit.

A recent focus of Technical Development became frustrated by complications in the hardware available to me, the current development of Linux Ubuntu, and, the testing and complexity of using new and similar powerful programs. Ubuntu was in a major transition to a new version, one of the first or few in 2 years of development. OpenOffice had almost reached a point such that I could retire WordPerfect, a favorite of mine for over 12 years. Quanta Plus had reached, almost, a level of HTML editing facility, to match several HTML editors which had only been available on Windows. Other programs of significance were available in Linux versions, yet were difficult to install on Ubuntu. MANY programs had to be researched and familiarized with. A hoped for weeks long period of transition bled into months.

The second part of "A foundation for health" had originally been a singular website. It focused on the Balancing Therapy, which I had founded with Spiritual Guidance. This approach had saved my life, when the medical and alternative expertise of the times had given me no option but death in the immediate future. I had continue to develop this therapeutic approach as I assisted many other people towards improved health, and, as I learned to apply the method with greater span and discernment, as appropriate for specific individuals. When the development had matured enough, I was suddenly Guided to convert my findings and understandings into webpages, a course, and, a website. The HTML coding and authoring involved 6 weeks of passionate work, in 1998.

A third part of "A foundation for health" also became a website. It focused on understanding, avoiding, and recovering from Hypersensitivities and chronic health problems. This was an extension of my personal experience and success in this area and as an awareness building and self-empowerment information tool to the site visitor and participant. It was also begun in 1998 and was initially completed and hosted after 4 weeks of intensive work. In each of these involvements, I began the work without any plan, any expectation of what, or how much, would be included, how long it would take, or how I would survive financially. All of these were left in Trust to the God from whom I received the Spiritual Guidance.

You have to be willing to try something when you are confident that it will work for you, not wait until others have proven it for you. You have to be willing to take the time to perform the quality activities that others say they haven't the time for. You may have to decline, avoid, or refuse offers of items which provide short-term enjoyment for long-term health demand --- payment.

I rejoiced in my spiritual perspective, opportunities for learning, passion for living, and respect for self and others. I became known by what I did. Not many of us are remembered for what we are.

As Spiritually Guided, I took a death trip to Australia in 2002 with an intent of training two others to refine their receipt and accuracy of Spiritual Guidance. When they had gained that ability, they would be able to take the Project Earth, Balancing Therapy, and Health Enhancement information from the digital resources to the public. Severely ill through that time, I could only assist them and respond to their interest. In outcome, they proved lacking in Passion and wasted their opportunity looking for shortcuts, human gods, and miracles. I recovered from the deathly illness, acquired a third severe whiplash injury, and returned to Canada following a quick recovery from that.

If you are passionate about the Will of God, you ask, follow in Faith, and learn to be patient about an understanding of your direction .. which you may not clearly perceive or experience for months or years. As Spiritually Guided, I befriended a spiritually and perceptually gifted person who was sabotaged by a severity of energy blocks, intense destructive imprinting, and a depressing environment. I assisted her in releasing all her energy blocks and encouraged her to continue refining her skills and awareness through an opportunity in New Zealand. With a demonstration of great personal determination, clarity, and spiritual faith, she chose this direction. I later met her there and we continued on together through many severe challenges, there, and back in North America.

In North America, we prepared to publish the ready digital work, yet, found that God had Faith in us, more than we did, to add another significant part to the proposed Resource. Within weeks of each other, we both acquired CFS-ME variations. Neither of us would have survived had we not had a Trust in God, reinforced by the continual and revealing Spiritual Guidance which we requested and received many times each day. A most unlikely pair, in the eyes of others, our differences tested every boundary, expectation, and weakness that remained with either of us. An understanding of the Package of Illnesses, known as CFS-ME, enough to assist most others with it towards Recovery, grew out of our successes, failures, and after-recovery revelations. That, has become the fourth significant addition to A Foundation for Health.

The technology to provide a dependable platform of availability for low cost to the public was further complicated by 3 further issues. A website hosting company, large and popular, became untrustworthy and undependable and had to be replaced. Complications extended what had been a several days process several years earlier into a several weeks strain. A laptop computer that was 4 years old had to be replaced for it was technically far out of date with minimal memory, minimal storage, only USB-1 ports, and a manufacturer's version of Windows XP which seemed in constant conflict with the hardware. Yet, this had been one of the better equipped, affordable, units, when purchased. While I had been using a dual boot Linux Ubuntu and Windows XP on a Dell Desktop, the storage on it now became too small to safely, in a longer term, sustain both an updated Ubuntu and a Windows 7. It had to be reformatted and loaded with the only a new Ubuntu version.

In late 2008, within hours, we both could physically and emotionally DO what had been impossible for each of us for most of FIVE years. This was partly possible because of the measures we had taken to stay alive in the meantime and to address the series of severe health problems which arose for us. After a few months of vigorous activities, I was Spiritually Guided to begin a CFS-ME digital reference which would share the significant and relevant findings I had discovered together with the dramatic and successful results of our own Guided innovations. Initially, I expected, or hoped, and believed that this new work would be completed in 2 or 3 months. After more than 9 months of intensive effort, 90% was complete. As always, I continued to learn as I went. There was seldom any editing in what was written. It became obvious, that had I, or We, known what was in this section, we would never have acquired CFS-ME, or, would have recovered within months, not years.

Opportunities had presented from 2000 through 2002 which resulted in dramatic experiences which extended both the depth of the understanding of energy blocks, for the Balancing Therapy, as well as the introduction of new, subtle, and dramatic variations. There was also a first attempt to involve others in the potential publicity of and sale of the materials. Many opportunities and challenges presented, most of which involved success only through the most firm Faith and Trust in Spiritual Guidance which enabled me to avoid, sustain, and recover from incidents and health matters which could have been fatal, and, almost were.
Passion is total involvement.
It is not acting out, hysteria, or rage. It is not being with it but being within it.

It is being there in reality. You cannot be aware and distant at the same time. To be spiritually Guided you must release your experience driven defences and embrace reality. With that openness, you will have a passion for your mission, whatever it is. Surrounded by the negative influences of materialism, the spiritually aware person must restrict their involvement in the human constructed commercial reality so that their massive empathy (love), sentimentality (grief), and romanticism (hope) are not spent uselessly in torrential outpourings. Rather, the spiritually aware person accepts that their capacity to experience reverence depends upon their self-directed choice of environment.

I have been competently involved in many more fields of work and study than I could ever have wished for. I have travelled farther and with greater mystery and adventure than most people, and with fewer financial resources than are available to many. I have seen the miracle of people's lives making huge enhancing changes, often within short periods, with the Joy that I assisted. I have myself recovered from injuries and illness many times which human experts proclaimed they had no hope of. I had better physical health at age 50 than I had at age 20; my worst several years later. After an 90%, almost immediate recovery to my best-in-life health state, I have coasted along during the past 14 months of extreme stress. Soon, I will be growing more healthy, along with the participants who benefit from "A Foundation for Health".

That fourth part of "A foundation for health" was not begun until February of 2009. It would address the topic of Understanding and Recovery from the Package of illnesses generally termed CFS-ME (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome -- Myalgic encephalomyelitis). Between the Fall of 2003 until December of 2008, I, and within 2 weeks, my new wife, acquired CFS-ME. It took us many months to first determine what OTHERS would call what we had. It took 2 years of aggressive searching and interaction before we both received a professional medical assertion that we had CFS-ME, with no or little hope of recovery or even improvement. It took the remaining years for us to continue to sustain ourselves alive, addressing one severe issue after another, until, I could unravel the similar and different factors which were making, and keeping, us both severely chronically ill. Once that was determined, a dependable recovery from CFS-ME was quick.

As another indication of Passion and not Obsession, I was Spiritually Guided in mid-November, 2009, to set aside further completion of the CFS-ME section until I could make a full conversion of my computer operation from Windows XP operating system to Linux Ubuntu. I made this change of involvement in ONE day. While I would experience short periods of desire to return to the CFS-ME section and complete it (I highly dislike unfinished projects) I did not, until the core technical considerations were resolved.

Commitment and Passion are often different aspects of the same thing.

Passion is doing something not just because you like doing it but because it will make a difference in the world in the longer term. Just doing what you like because it provides a personal satisfaction will eventually become dull. There are only so many ways in which you can get satisfaction doing something for yourself. There is a finite limit of how well you can provide that satisfaction before you cross the line into obsession, or, denial. At that point, It is controlling you.

With passion, there is no limit to the number of ways in which satisfaction will come to you for you are addressing everyone, not just yourself. That "everyone" provides you with a constant challenge of discovering and providing new or better ways of doing what you do. That "everyone" means that you cannot make the outcome a sure thing because the others you chose to work with must also choose to work with you, and, must be capable of sharing in their recovery --- or willing to learn how to. Passion is what can change choice into commitment. It is a guarantee of reward that is as everlasting as your participation.

This major computer conversion had been considered and tried earlier but could never be completed. Before, key types of programs had never been available, or in a form completed enough in Linux versions with adequate features and a user friendliness. As a Spiritually Guided Resource, the global availability of it could NOT depend upon the long and persistent immorality of Microsoft Windows with its foundation of deceptive marketing and manipulative business practices. This administrative "technical adjustment" became a later known significant step for had "A foundation for Health" been completed first and then I have to sustain the extreme frustration of the conversion, perhaps no person could have withstood that with patience, and, passion

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